
Introducing Time to Talk Travel

Published on: 10th September, 2023

Even the worst travel day is better than a day without adventure.

Hi, we're a group of friends who met as travel writers and influencers over ten years ago. A decade has changed our lives, our jobs, our locations and the way we travel. Our kids are older and travel looks different these days.

What didn't change? The craving for conversation and community.

Enter Time to Talk Travel, a weekly podcast, centered around conversations and a sheer love of hitting confirm on our next adventure.

Every week we'll be here with stories, tips, tricks, lessons learned and inspiration for your next trip.

Let's meet our frequent fliers, the writers of .

On most episodes Ciaran Blumenfeld, Desiree Miller and Nasreen Stump will be leading the travel conversation.

Ciaran left the tech and marketing world to focus on her love of writing. She splits her time between travel writing and photography and writing fiction as Ciara Blume. She lives in California.

Desiree is comfortable behind the camera, producing TV news segments, and in front of the camera telling us about her travels. She's always booking the next trip and planning the next story. Des lives near Atlanta, Georgia.

Nasreen started as a business traveler in B2B sales. Travel writing let her share stories from her trips. She now consults on content and sales writing. Nasreen lives in southern New Hampshire, with easy access to Boston Logan Airport.

Also appearing on select episodes of Time to Talk Travel are Maureen and Shari:

Maureen is a Canadian transplant to the Houston, Texas area. She has worked across a broad range of travel writing and spokesperson roles. These days she travels for business, pleasure and to keep up with her kids competitive sailing schedules.

Shari is located in New York and loves explore international destinations. When she's in New York she loves to head into the city. As a freelancer and social media strategist, she feels lucky to always have new topics and destinations to dive into.

We hope you'll join us as this podcast plane takes off!


(0:01) Do you love to travel? Do airfare sales make you jump for joy?

(0:08) If we peeked at your phone right now would there be hundreds of screenshots of travel scenery, bookmarked videos of far off places and a bucket list in your notes app?

(0:19) Whether you travel to clear your head, to learn new things, to develop yourself as a person or just to taste everything - please join us for Time to Talk Travel.

(0:32) We’ll be publishing new travel episodes weekly covering everything from how to find the most unique spots to stay to how to salvage a vacation where everything seems to be going wrong.

(0:44) As a group of friends and travel writers we get giddy when we push confirm on that next adventure and we’re ready to spill everything

(0:53) the good, the bad and the embarrassing.

(0:57) There are always seats on our podcast plane for other travelers.

(1:02) If you’d like to share a travel story, topic idea or learn more about how to be a guest or a sponsor please reach out to us!

(1:11) To join our itinerary hit subscribe and sign up for our newsletter at

(1:18) We’ve been cleared for take off - hope you enjoy the trip!

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About the Podcast

Time to Talk Travel
Do you love to travel? Whether you have your next trip planned, are looking for inspiration, or just want to live vicariously through others Time to Talk Travel is here for you! Let’s explore the world together. We’ll dive into themed trips, must-do’s, things that weren’t worth it, and getting the most out of every trip. Tune in as we talk about the adventures out there!
Time to Talk Travel, a podcast for travel enthusiasts, was born out of a need for community. The voices and faces behind TTTT met over a decade ago while navigating online content creation. Their kids grew up together on press trips, they were online cheerleaders for each others successes, and there to provide support to online friends when times were tough. Life got busy. Something was missing - that supportive community they craved. Now they're back- a little older, much wiser, and with a wealth of travel knowledge to drop.
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