Episode 49

Three and Four Day Weekends: Planning the Perfect Quick Escape

Published on: 5th September, 2024

Today on the Time to Talk Travel podcast hosts Ciaran Blumenfeld, Desiree Miller, and Nasreen Stump discuss how to plan the perfect 3-4 day weekend.

They cover transportation (drive or fly), what to pack, what can go wrong, what to keep ready to make escaping easier, and some of their favorite three day getaways.


Vancouver WA

Seattle WA

New York City

Madison WI

Minneapolis MN

Ellijay GA

Blue Ridge Mountains

San Bernadino CA

Bryce, Zion, Kanab Utah and Paige Arizona

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We include transcripts to make our podcasts accessible. Transcripts are lightly edited during the course of episode development to correct spelling for the names of places and clarity. There may be further grammatical or spelling errors that are not addressed. Please know the transcripts are a guide/raw product not a polished piece of journalism. Thank you!


3 Day Weekends


[00:00:16] Nasreen: Welcome to another episode of Time to Talk Travel. We are here today to talk about three day weekends because there are quite a few of them coming up. You want to take advantage of them, but then sometimes people try to do too much. There's a delicate balance to a good three day weekend to make sure that you're not regretful that you traveled or tried to.

Let's run through some of the tips, tricks, and horrible mistakes that we may have made in relation to three day weekends and whether they are worth it or not.



[00:00:55] Nasreen: Sure, I'll give you an extra day


I love these. These are almost my favorite kinds of vacations instead of week long or two week long,

because it's

just enough to make you feel like you escaped

normalcy. You know, you got away, you got a change of scenery. I love this stuff. So I say take them whatever opportunity you get.

Go, go, go, go, go.


[00:02:05] Nasreen: The other big question is, I like the three day weekends. I think that I do have reservations about how worth it is sometimes. We use them. A lot of times my husband and I will go away and that's how long we can leave the kids in the charge of the oldest who's above 18 and my parents are nearby and know that things can work out and there's no school to juggle.

Right? So that's kind of where the three-day weekends are for us right now. And I think one of the biggest things for weekends is do you drive or do you fly? Because now with all these issues with delays and flight cancellations. I never thought twice about jumping on a one hour, two hour flight before, but now it could tank the whole weekend.

And then, do you really want to be in a car for four or five hours to start off a three day weekend? So I'll let y'all vote on that one.


I think these days it's much safer if it's going to be a quick trip to make it a drive. For me , I say it's gotta be less than five hours, but I've done the three day weekends for eight and a half hour trips just to go give my mom a hug. My boyfriend has a term is the juice worth the squeeze. And he'll say that juice ain't worth the squeeze, but it is for me. It's relative. I don't know, Ciaran, how about you?


So that means is there going to be a place to stay at the end of that nine hour drive? Am I sure that I'm going to have somewhere I can crash? And doing a lot of the time consuming, Things like, finding a pet sitter and packing. And for me, I always have to have gluten free food, making sure I have that bag of groceries ready to go.

All these little things. that take time, that can just take a bite out of your precious, precious getaway time, making sure that those are all kind of tucked away and taken care of before we go. Then I can relax and I love to do the getaways. But I have experience where it's a Friday afternoon and it's a three day weekend.

We're like, hey, let's go somewhere. And by the time we figure out where we're going, where we're staying and do the packing and do the shopping. It's Saturday afternoon and then there's traffic and the whole weekend just turns into an exercise in frustration. So I'm all for it. Just do the planning.


And so then if I start researching, it's one of the reasons why I don't say, Oh, you know, we have a long weekend. Let's stay home and go to a couple different places because then I have to find the places and I'm going to go down a rabbit hole, it's going to be bad. Having a couple of cute towns or areas that, you know, are a couple hours away from you that you want to hit up.

I know I sent you guys the video on the town in New York that has all the bookstores. It's not that far from me. So one of these weekends. It's in the mountains. That's a nice drive. I go to a bunch of bookstores. It's all good. Everyone in my family will be happy. So knowing a couple of different places that you can go at the drop of the hat, and I think the other challenge for me is the crowd thing knowing it won't be Joining 80, 000 of your closest friends on this getaway weekend.

I'd rather just stay home and hide inside.


It doesn't stress me out like it does Ciaran.

Hearing her talk about it is stressing me out. Oh my gosh, I don't even think about all the 50 things that can go wrong. I'm thinking about what's going to go right. This is going to be such a blast, you know? So we should probably level each other out.


I would sit there and go, okay, well, if I went to this rando town in the middle of nowhere, like Western mass in the Berkshires

that would be where I would sit there and go, Oh, there's going to be a ton of people I can't get in a restaurant.

I get grumpy when I don't eat. I need to know I'm going to be able to eat. However, a

spontaneous three day trip to New York, Boston, \ cities, I'm fine with them. I can find somewhere I'll figure it out. I know them. I know I can get around. I know there's a bunch of exit strategies. If the plane goes wrong, I’ve got a train. If worse comes to worse, I can drive back. It's the options for me. Maybe. I just like to know that there's a lot of contingency plans.


[00:07:52] Desiree:I don't know.

Is there one that really stands out for you guys? One three or four day weekend that you took that was just, wow, I'm so glad I went?


[00:08:04] Desiree:did that for my birthday a couple of years ago. It was the welcome home concert. I saw CBS Sunday morning, they had a preview of it.

And I thought, Oh man, that's like 30 groups that I want to see all performing on one weekend. Happens to be my birthday, New York's great. So we went and it turned out there was a hurricane in New York, like of all places, who would predict in her. So it got rained out. We got into the first hour and a half of it.

And then before Bruce Springsteen, who I really wanted to go see, hit the stage. It was a downpour and lightning, but we had so much fun. We just walked around the streets of New York. It poured, just wet rats, , and found little bars, holes in the wall that we'd just stop in. That's one of my favorite memories.

It's still one of my favorite trips. Is there one you guys think of?


[00:09:36] Nasreen: We've had a lot of great three day weekends. . I mean, New York for me is another one. Greg used to travel a lot with me when I was business traveling before all the kids came along when it was just Ryan and so he used to come along on trips and we used to stay for the weekend.

And so Madison, Wisconsin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, a lot of cities. Again, I like there to be a concentration of things to do and explore. We've done Seattle for long weekends before. I love a three day weekend in a city. Because it gets quieter.

A lot of times you can find really good deals on hotels near financial districts. That's my hack for the three day weekend city style. And generally the restaurants in that area are not as busy to get into either. We venture out to the busier areas, come back and then we have no problem popping out somewhere to get food.


Redeem some of those reward points.


[00:12:02] Desiree:I think that's amazing. I think that's great. And that's, I think that's really important for people to understand. A lot of people see travel as, oh, it's because you don't like your own life and you're running away from something. I don't feel that way at all. I don't have your view either. Ciaran does have the best. Right now. And I only hope she can stay there the rest of her life. I fully intend to go there. I fully intend to, so we'll be knocking on the door. But I think that's important too. Even if you love where you are, just a change in scenery every now and then is a nice thing.

I have friends who despise travel because they see it as nothing but a pain in the butt. There's all the headaches, all the things that can go wrong, and I just think a change in attitude, a change in perspective, a change in scenery, all of the above are really good for the soul, or at least for my soul.

And I'm a homebody, believe it or not. I, yeah,


[00:13:09] Desiree:Yeah,


[00:13:43] Desiree:For me, it depends on who's going with me and where I'm going. If it's a place I know, I want to see a specific thing. Because you really do have to plan that for the most part. But honestly, for me, I'm more of a wing it kind of gal. As long as I know where I'm going to be sleeping, and even that I can plan the night before. I just, I think it's more fun to just sort of land and go, okay, where now? And I will pull up a facebook group for the city and see what the events are. What's going on? Okay. Hey, that sounds kind of fun.

A lot of times, those are the things that end up being just so much fun.

But if I'm going for an event like the New York city concert, I knew I was going to be at a concert most of the time. When the concert fizzled well, that's when we got to wing it and made some of our best memories.


And I will totally change the plan and change my mind like 300 times and end up somewhere totally different. Like when we just went to Seattle before our cruise, we needed to get dinner and I was messaging five different friends and I ended up at the number one gluten free restaurant in Seattle, totally unplanned and last minute.


I see. Let's go get a pretzel. And I'm like, That sounds fantastic!

So, but as far as the planned versus unplanned or whatever, I think for me,

I do the training wheels thing too, right? I've got the map. If I know I'm going to a city and I dump a whole bunch of pins on it of things that look cool and are theoretically open, well, we're there.

And part of that is so that I don't Keep losing myself in my phone trying to look things up because I can just glance at the map and see what else is around us and we can get somewhere else pretty quickly. I think for me, if there is something that is a specific time, it is why we are there in the first place.

It's why we're in that city. I saw a restaurant. I absolutely had to try. I saw some super cool museum or experience. And that is why we went on a 3 day trip to that place. , other than that, it really is just kind of going in and out of places that could happen, but doesn't have to.


where we were traveling between parks in the heat of the day. So we would hike at night, hike in the morning. Travel, hike at night, hike in the morning, travel. That was kind of cool because I remember we went at one point from Paige, Arizona to Kanab, Utah. They are only like an hour and a half apart, very different cities. And Kanab , I checked in the hotel and I'm like, all right, where do we eat?

Where do the locals eat? And that's typically the best thing you can do is once you land, I typically will say to whoever it is when I check in,

Where's your favorite place to hang out tonight? Or where would you go if you had friends come into town and you wanted to show them the real taste of Kanab? That'll get you, that'll get you a whole different trip than what you'll find if you just go to TripAdvisor or Expedia or whatever. The locals are always the key, always.


[00:17:38] Desiree:if I'm driving, then I'm going to be checking the car, making sure the oil is changed, the tires are good. I have a very old car at this point and that makes me a little nervous. But beyond that, No, in all honesty,


[00:18:00] Nasreen: I'm a Hilton girl. I did it for years of travel. I'm always going to check Hilton first and see what I can find. If I can't find something reasonable on Hilton, then I'll go somewhere else. But I've got diamond status. I can usually get on a decent floor.

I know what to expect. That's my first go to. It's just easy. It takes some of the choices out of it. Having too many choices is a curse sometimes, so if you can narrow down a couple things that you're comfortable with, that's one that saves me time.


[00:18:57] Nasreen: Pacific Northwest as well, Best Western. The first time I stayed there was Necessity, and I was like, oh, this is actually decent,


It was my one big splurge, that was the experience. The one , I really researched and if you could get one night, I would have probably done two nights there.

But, they didn't have availability for the Saturday night I was there. So I switched to a small mom and pop owned for 80 years. That was a totally different experience. And from what it looked like in the pictures online, it looked really adorable. when I checked in, they literally said, you have the tiny room, you know that, right? And I'm like, didn't know that, but if it's what I bought, I probably just went with the cheapest or least expensive, but it was literally a bed, a bathroom and like this much room between both sides. It was, we were good.

We knew we were only sleeping there. And that was our mentality. It just depends on what your expectations are. I will say the next night we did the upgrade. We went, stayed at the Best Western. It was the most adorable. And it was a room with a hot tub in the room. Now I'm not talking about a big bathtub. It was, after hiking for three days, oh, that was.


[00:20:32] Desiree:my goodness gracious, that was, that was glorious.

It was the definition of heaven. I will say if you do your little three day weekend trip to anywhere you're going to be hiking or physical, make sure that place has a hot tub because that saved the trip for us over and over.

I like to splurge every now and then and try to go different Just read the reviews.

What about you Ciaran? How do you do it? Well, you already said you call five friends.


Just get there.


And I think for me too, one of the other things that makes it kind of easy to pull the trigger and jump a little bit is I was in business travel for years. You didn't come home and unpack, you just took the laundry out of your suitcase, and then put in your next set the next week, because I had a black week and a brown week, and it was just alternate.

But, I always had stuff packed, which made it easy. Packing isn't a thought process if you have stuff ready to go all the time. I know I go down to my sister's, which is about an hour and a half away. I'll stay over sometimes. So I've got a little go bag of the toiletries and all the things that I would need. I think that does make it better. Someday we'll have to do a beauty routine or what you do kind of thing because having stuff that you know you can use that doesn't have to be packed off of the stuff that's at home definitely makes life easier.



[00:22:36] Desiree:same.


The harder thing is if you're bringing kids and you've got to pack all the essentials for them. It's easier to do it just for ourselves.


[00:23:03] Nasreen: Hotels never, some don't have it and some have crappy conditioner and I cannot go without conditioner.


Same thing.

If you're going to be in a place,

Staying close to everything, carry on only if you are flying or even driving, you don't want to lug five suitcases to every separate hotel. We did that with this last trip where we were in a different hotel almost, well, every night. We had one big suitcase that we had to bring because we had trekking poles and hiking boots. So we left that in the car every single night and we just brought in our little carry on. And out. We lived in the car per se, but we slept in the hotel, if that makes sense. But I think those are things that'll make it a lot less stressful, less hassle.


[00:24:32] Desiree:Exactly.



[00:24:39] Desiree:Happy travels.


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Time to Talk Travel
Do you love to travel? Whether you have your next trip planned, are looking for inspiration, or just want to live vicariously through others Time to Talk Travel is here for you! Let’s explore the world together. We’ll dive into themed trips, must-do’s, things that weren’t worth it, and getting the most out of every trip. Tune in as we talk about the adventures out there!
Time to Talk Travel, a podcast for travel enthusiasts, was born out of a need for community. The voices and faces behind TTTT met over a decade ago while navigating online content creation. Their kids grew up together on press trips, they were online cheerleaders for each others successes, and there to provide support to online friends when times were tough. Life got busy. Something was missing - that supportive community they craved. Now they're back- a little older, much wiser, and with a wealth of travel knowledge to drop.
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