Episode 16

One Year of Travel Tips: 2023 In Review

Published on: 28th December, 2023

After kicking off our travel podcast, Time to Talk Travel, in September of 2023 we're hitting publish on our 16th episode. During those first 15 episodes we covered a lot of topics and thought we'd do a summary to end 2023.

Want to hear more about any of the topics covered? Here are links to the full episodes on each topic-

Set Jet Travel: Traveling to Locations from Movies/TV -


Mistakes We've Made: 21 Travel Lessons Learned -


Spooky, Haunted & Paranormal Travel -


Unique Lodging Tips & Tricks -


How to Work & Travel: Balancing Business and Adventure -


How to Find Travel Deals -


Expediting a Passport: Tips & Tricks -


Travel Memories: Photos & Journals-


Travel Etiquette: Horror Stories & How to Behave-


Missing School to Travel-


Tips for Holiday Travel


Travel Safety: Risk vs Reward


The Gift of Travel


Setting 2024 Travel Resolutions


Planning a Cruise


Learn more at hashtagtravels.com or sign up for our newsletter at timetotalktravel.com.

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About the Podcast

Time to Talk Travel
Do you love to travel? Whether you have your next trip planned, are looking for inspiration, or just want to live vicariously through others Time to Talk Travel is here for you! Let’s explore the world together. We’ll dive into themed trips, must-do’s, things that weren’t worth it, and getting the most out of every trip. Tune in as we talk about the adventures out there!
Time to Talk Travel, a podcast for travel enthusiasts, was born out of a need for community. The voices and faces behind TTTT met over a decade ago while navigating online content creation. Their kids grew up together on press trips, they were online cheerleaders for each others successes, and there to provide support to online friends when times were tough. Life got busy. Something was missing - that supportive community they craved. Now they're back- a little older, much wiser, and with a wealth of travel knowledge to drop.
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